Tuesday, January 31, 2012

my first official freak out moment

My wife decided that taking "chil birth" class would be a good idea. As any good husband knows, if the wife wants to do it, if it's within reason, don't argue or say no.

These classes are extremely informative. They typically get you ready for everything involving childbirth. The class itself has 7 couples and they all range in colors, ethnic make-up, age etc etc. The first class was a little weird as I haven't been the social butterfly here the way I was in NY.

After a few weeks, I look forward to going to class and hearing what will prepare my wife and I when this baby girl decides to make her entrance into the world. At the start, it wasn't so scary. Today, it was a whole different story.

We had a small exercise of writing our greatest fear in this pregnancy process. We then had to place all our fears into a can and it was symbolically shut. This was done to give us a sense that our fears and anxieties are shut away and now we could move forward. Well, it's not that easy.

to be cont